Can A Full Lace Wig Be Tied Into A High Ponytail – Neobeauty Hair Wholesale and Supply

Can A Full Lace Wig Be Tied Into A High Ponytail

Ponytail looks trendy and adorable. It gives you a tied up look while fulfilling a proper style. But unluckily women with short hair cannot make it. Hence wearing a full lace wig can help you make your desired ponytail style.


If you have a full lace wig, you're undoubtedly interested in learning how to style it into a high ponytail. Full lace wigs are ideal for putting into a high ponytail. You can accomplish your dream of having a variety of hairstyles by wearing a full lace wig. An elegant long ponytail or even a high bun are examples of these styles. Please continue reading to know how to do a high ponytail with a full lace wig.

How To Make High Pony With Lace Wig

Let's get started with the high ponytail application steps. Using wig adhesive to glue the lace down on your forehead will secure the wig firmly and keep your hairstyle secure.

Purchase a Wig Cap

  1. A-flat foundation is required for amazing results. One method is to braid the hair straight back.
  1. Clean your brow line with alcohol to ensure that nothing will get in the way of the lace being glued to your brow.
  1. Remove the wig cap, apply glue to the forehead, and blow dry completely.
  1. To create the appearance of a bald scalp, apply foundation to the wig cap that matches your skin tone.


Putting On Your Wig From The Front

  1. Smooth the forehead by applying glue directly to it. After drying, put on the lace and press it down.
  1. Trim the excess lace from the ears and forehead area.
  1. You can leave some baby hair on the front. It will make the hairline on the forehead more natural.
  1. To ensure a proper blend with the skin, a small amount of hair spray should be applied.


Putting On The Wig From The Back 

When wearing a high ponytail, the high ponytail will keep the wig in place, and there will be fewer chances to create a mess.

  1. to make it look natural, Pull the wig from the back.
  1. Trim the excess lace at the back.
  1. Apply glue to the neck, then press and smooth the lace down.
  1. Please ensure that the lace is securely fastened to the head before tying the high ponytail.



The full lace wig looks adorable, and you can style it according to your choice. But practicing applying the wig can make it more perfect. Most of the time, a few exercises are required to produce long-term results. 


The more you practise putting your wig into a ponytail, the easier it will be to master the wig and the shorter the time it will take. You can get a fashionable lace front wig ponytail with a little patience. Continue to play around with the lace front wig to create the ponytail of your dreams.

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